Apple’s AI-focused M4 Chips are coming …

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More topics: Elon Musk announced Tesla Robotaxi and Meta’s Llama 3 is coming next month

Magic AI News

Hi AI Enthusiasts,

Welcome to our weekly Magic AI, where we bring you the latest updates on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in an accessible way. This week’s Magic AI tool is perfect for all bloggers and website owners! With this tool, you can improve your writing.

Let’s explore this week’s AI news together. Stay curious! 😃

Top AI news of the week

🦾 Elon Musk announced Tesla Robotaxi

Elon Musk announced on X that Tesla will unveil an autonomous Robotaxi at an event on August 8th.

Tesla Robotaxi Event

Before this announcement, Reuters had reported that Tesla would cancel the development of an affordable Tesla model. Elon Musk has denied this with the words “Reuters is lying (again)”.

If we believe Elon, the affordable Tesla Model is coming after all. Maybe we’ll see a Robotaxi and an affordable Tesla on August 8th? We will see. In addition, Tesla hits the milestone of 1 billion miles driven by Full Self-Driving (FSD) Teslas.

1B miles driven by Full Self-Driving (FSD) Teslas (Image by Tesla AI)
1B miles driven by Full Self-Driving (FSD) Teslas (Image by Tesla AI)

Our thoughts

Tesla’s mission is to build electric cars for the mass market. Therefore, to stop the production of the affordable Tesla model would miss the original mission. However, Elon Musk has denied the report.

Tesla has been researching autonomous driving for years. According to various test reports, the current beta FSD V12.3 works well. Nevertheless, there is still no Robotaxi. We are excited to see what Tesla and Elon Musk will present in August.

In our opinion, Tesla is an AI and robotics company. And they have a lot of real-world data. For this reason, we think if anyone can build a Robotaxi in the next 1-2 years, then Tesla.

🤔 What is your opinion on the Tesla Robotaxi?

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💬 Meta’s Llama 3 is coming next month

At an event in London, Meta confirmed that it plans an initial release of Llama 3 next month. It is the next generation of its large language model Llama. Meta will release different versions of Llama 3 with different capabilities.

According to TechCrunch, we can expect that the Llama 3 has about 140 billion parameters. The biggest Llama 2 model currently has 70 billion parameters. Meta develops its Llama family as open-source, which is a different approach to OpenAI. OpenAI develops GPT-4 not as open-source. Meta hopes that the models will be more popular with developers than proprietary models.

Our thoughts

Meta takes a different approach to OpenAI because Meta makes their LLMs available as open-source. In our opinion, this could be an advantage for Meta in the future because open-source developers can develop new technology based on the Meta architecture. Meta could then integrate the innovations into its own products.

In addition, it is great for the open-source community to have state-of-the-art large language models. This often results in innovations. We are a friend of open-source models.

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👩🏽‍💻 Apple is working on new AI-focused M4 chips

According to Bloomberg News, Apple plans to overhaul its entire Mac product range with a new M4 chip family. The M4 chips will focus on AI.

Apple plans to launch the updated Mac with M4 chips late this year or early next year. According to Bloomberg, Apple plans new iMacs, a low-end 14-inch MacBook Pro, high-end 14- and 16-inch MacBook Pros, and Mac minis.

Apple has announced that the WWDC 2024 developer conference will be all about AI. For a long time, Apple didn’t use the term “artificial intelligence” but that has changed. Apple cannot ignore the buzzword AI. In recent weeks, Apple employees have published several papers on large language models.

Our thoughts

Apple chips are very powerful and made for on-device AI. We are impressed by how Apple develops hardware and software hand in hand. The Apple chips and the MLX framework for training, fine-tuning, and running large language models work perfectly together.

In our opinion, Apple is a big on-device AI player. Apple addresses with this approach the privacy requirements of many users. We are excited to see what Apple will present at WWDC in June.

More information

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Magic AI tool of the week

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DeepL Write Screenshot

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Thanks for reading, and see you next time.

- Tinz Twins

P.S. Have a nice weekend! 😉😉

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