Weekly Magic AI - Open-Source LLaVa, Hinton’s AI warnings, and ElevenLabs’ AI voice dubbing

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Top AI news of the week and Magic AI tool of the week

Magic AI News

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This week’s Magic AI Tool is a tool we use every day! See further below.

Top AI news of the week

🌅 GPT-4 image recognition has a new competitor

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Microsoft Research, and Columbia University have unveiled LLaVA. It’s a new open-source AI system that could rival GPT-4 in visual and language understanding. It’s open-source and completely free of charge.

LLaVA connects CLIP (an AI system for image understanding) with Vicuna, an open-source text AI model based on Llama 2. Unlike GPT-4, LLaVA’s code, trained model weights, and training data are freely available.

Our thoughts

LLaVA proves the potential of open-source AI. Even though LLaVA probably still can’t compete with GPT-4, the accessibility and initial results are impressive. In our opinion, AI should be transparent and accessible to everyone, which is why any open-source initiative is welcome. You can try out the model as a demo.

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🤖 “Godfather of AI“ warns for the AI future

AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton (formerly a researcher at Google) said in an interview with 60 Minutes that today’s systems could soon surpass human intelligence. They also have the potential to take us over if we don’t act quickly. He believes that AI applications like chatbots can truly understand and think.

In addition, he also believes that AI could think better than humans in five years. It could lead to people being manipulated. Hinton thinks that AI can bring enormous benefits. But we also need to be aware of the risks, such as unemployment, bias, fake news, and even battlefield robots. You can check out the video and article at CBS News. Very interesting and insightful what a leading expert thinks (Link below).

Our thoughts

Hinton has already warned several times, and his words carry serious weight. And yes, he is right. Due to the rapid technological progress in AI, regulation is essential. In our opinion, the focus of AI development should be on useful use cases. We have to develop AIs for specific purposes. We don’t need Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)! Moreover, AI must help humanity.

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💬 ElevenLabs launches AI voice dubbing tool

The AI start-up ElevenLabs released a new AI dubbing tool* that translates speech into different languages. In addition, this tool preserves the original voice of the speaker.

The AI Dubbing tool converts speech in an audio/video file into over 29 languages while preserving nuances and emotions. This tool combines voice cloning, synthesis, and text-processing research from ElevenLabs. Furthermore, this tool can handle multiple speakers and distinguish between different voices. In a previous Magic AI newsletter, we featured a similar technology from Spotify and OpenAI.

Our thoughts

That is an effective example of how AI can help overcome language barriers and facilitate global knowledge exchange. It illustrates the need for AI tailored to specific purposes. We don’t need AGI! We need specific AIs.

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Magic AI tool of the week

Grammarly is an AI-based writing assistant that reviews and improves texts in English. In addition, users can also generate ideas, write, personalize, and interpret texts using Grammarly’s generative AI features. You can find the plans on the Grammarly website.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Sign up on Grammarly
  2. Create a new file
  3. Insert an English text, and Grammarly corrects your grammar and spelling

We use Grammarly daily to improve our grammar and spelling. For us, it is one of the most helpful AI tools on the market.

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Thanks for reading, and see you next time.

- Tinz Twins

P.S. Have a nice weekend!

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